009 ノ1 还未开始就已结束009 ノ1 THE END OF THE BEGINNING(2013)

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009 ノ1 THE END OF THE BEGINNING又名:009-1: The End of the Beginning

分类:科幻  地区:日本  年份:2013 2013-09-07(日本)日语

主演:岩佐真悠子 / 木之本岭浩 / 长泽奈央 / 市道真央 / 绿川静香 / 本田博太郎 / 杉本彩 / 竹中直人 / 

导演:坂本浩一 / 

长谷川圭一 Kei'ichi Hasegawa


导演:坂本浩一 / 

主演:岩佐真悠子 木之本岭浩 长泽奈央 市道真央 绿川静香 本田博太郎 杉本彩 竹中直人 

BT之家为您提供2013年由岩佐真悠子 木之本岭浩 长泽奈央 市道真央 绿川静香 本田博太郎 杉本彩 竹中直人 主演,坂本浩一 导演的《009 ノ1 还未开始就已结束》/原名《009 ノ1 THE END OF THE BEGINNING》/又名《009-1: The End of the Beginning》电影在线观看,《009 ノ1 还未开始就已结束》百度云网盘资源以及《009 ノ1 还未开始就已结束》高清mp4迅雷下载,《009 ノ1 还未开始就已结束》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In 20xx, the world is divided into two powers: the Western Block and the Eastern Block. Serving as a border zone between the two is "J-Country." As such, it is used as a battleground for the two sides in their never-ending conflict. Mylene, an undercover agent from the western block, has been hiding out in J-Country. While investigating human trafficking, she meets a young man named Chris. Mylene finds herself attracted to Chris and after completing her mission and returning to headquarters she is unable to keep him out of her mind. "Recover Dr. Klein and see to her protection!" is the newest mission assigned to Mylene from the 00 agency. Abducted by the Eastern Block, Dr. Klein was in charge of the Faust Project and the technology that made Mylene into a cyborg. During the briefing for the mission she puzzles over a name that sparks memories buried within her cyborg mind. "Recover Dr. Klein and see to her protection!" is the newest mission assigned to Mylene from the 00 ...


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