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あまんちゅ!又名:海之少女 / Amanchu!

分类:剧情 动画  地区:日本  年份:2016 日语

主演:铃木绘理 / 茅野爱衣 / 大西沙织 / 梅原裕一郎 / 伊藤静 / 久保由利香 / 洲崎绫 / 井上喜久子 / 叶月绘理乃 / 斋藤千和 / 

导演:佐藤顺一 / 笠井贤一 / 德本善信 / 铃木洋平 / 佐藤和磨 / 梶井濑贺 / 本间修 / 


导演:佐藤顺一 / 笠井贤一 / 德本善信 / 铃木洋平 / 佐藤和磨 / 梶井濑贺 / 本间修 / 

主演:铃木绘理 茅野爱衣 大西沙织 梅原裕一郎 伊藤静 久保由利香 洲崎绫 井上喜久子 叶月绘理乃 斋藤千和 

BT之家为您提供2016年由铃木绘理 茅野爱衣 大西沙织 梅原裕一郎 伊藤静 久保由利香 洲崎绫 井上喜久子 叶月绘理乃 斋藤千和 主演,佐藤顺一 笠井贤一 德本善信 铃木洋平 佐藤和磨 梶井濑贺 本间修 导演的《蓝海少女》/原名《あまんちゅ!》/又名《海之少女 / Amanchu!》影视在线观看,《蓝海少女》百度云网盘资源以及《蓝海少女》高清mp4迅雷下载,《蓝海少女》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

小日向光(铃木绘理 配音)是一个性格开朗大大咧咧的女孩,神经过于大条的她常常会不经大脑的干出一些让人发笑的蠢事来。大木双叶(茅野爱衣 配音)则和她恰恰相反,沉默

Plot Summary:Originally from a big city, Futaba Ooki spends most days cataloguing her life through pictures on her phone. Upon moving to a seaside town, she gazes out over the vast expanse of sea and quickly becomes captivated by its endless possibilities. Unbeknownst to Futaba, her quiet contemplation catches the attention of local diving enthusiast Hikari Kohinata. Finding herself in the same class as Futaba the next day, Hikari is drawn to her quiet and shy demeanor and affectionately nicknames her Teko, sparking a tender friendship. Struggling to adapt to the change of pace in her life, Futaba finds herself strung along by Hikari's vast energy and passion for diving. Together, they join the school diving club, led by their homeroom teacher Mato Katori. With Hikari by her side, Futaba works to earn her diving certification while experiencing new friendships and possibilities.






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