香烟汤Cigarette Soup(2015)

6.0 还行

Cigarette Soup又名:反恐使命(台)

分类:动作  地区:美国  年份:2015 2017-04-10(美国)英语

主演:萨曼莎·索尔 / Dina Shihabi / Joe Perrino / 

导演:Damian Voerg / 

Damian Voerg


导演:Damian Voerg / 

主演:萨曼莎·索尔 Dina Shihabi Joe Perrino 

BT之家为您提供2015年由萨曼莎·索尔 Dina Shihabi Joe Perrino 主演,Damian Voerg 导演的《香烟汤》/原名《Cigarette Soup》/又名《反恐使命(台)》电影在线观看,《香烟汤》百度云网盘资源以及《香烟汤》高清mp4迅雷下载,《香烟汤》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

2006 年,一个有抱负的年轻记者得到了一次机会,得以与一小队驻阿富汗美国士兵一起活动

Plot Summary:A young aspiring journalist gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he is embedded with a small band of American soldiers during the height of the war in Afghanistan. After a surprise attack, they become separated from their unit and find themselves trapped in an insurgent bunker, surrounded on all sides by the enemy. During their time together, the journalist is able to interview these brave soldiers and uncover who they are, where they come from and their unique personal path they have taken. He finds that in the face of terror, there is still kindness and hope, even in the worst face of humanity.





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