La Dictée à Daru(2005)

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La Dictée à Daru

分类:短片  地区:法国  年份:2005 法语

主演:Cyrus Atory / Tony Librizzi / 

导演:Vincent Lecrocq / 

Vincent Lecrocq


导演:Vincent Lecrocq / 

主演:Cyrus Atory Tony Librizzi 

BT之家为您提供2005年由Cyrus Atory Tony Librizzi 主演,Vincent Lecrocq 导演的《La Dictée à Daru》电影在线观看,《La Dictée à Daru》百度云网盘资源以及《La Dictée à Daru》高清mp4迅雷下载,《La Dictée à Daru》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

France, 1805. Napoleon is about to order an attack on the United Kingdom when he

Plot Summary:France, 1805. Napoleon is about to order an attack on the United Kingdom when he receives a letter informing him that France is attacked by the allied forces of Austria and Russia. Forced to change his military plans, the Emperor shut himself in his office with his assistant, Daru and begins to dictate the strategy that will lead France to win the famous battle of Austerlitz.


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