逃离地下天堂Logan's Run(1976)

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Logan's Run又名:我不能死 / 廿三世纪大逃亡 / 罗甘的逃亡 / 拦截时空禁区 / 罗根快跑

分类:剧情 爱情 科幻 冒险  地区:美国  年份:1976 1976-06-23英语

主演:麦克尔·约克 / 理查德·乔丹 / 珍妮·艾加特 / 罗斯科·李·布朗尼 / 费拉·福赛特 / 小迈克尔·安德森 / 彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫 / Randolph Roberts / Lara Lindsay / Gary Morgan / 劳拉·海佩 / 

导演:迈克尔·安德森 / 

David Zelag Goodman/George Clayton Johnson/William F. Nolan


导演:迈克尔·安德森 / 

主演:麦克尔·约克 理查德·乔丹 珍妮·艾加特 罗斯科·李·布朗尼 费拉·福赛特 小迈克尔·安德森 彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫 Randolph Roberts Lara Lindsay Gary Morgan 劳拉·海佩 

BT之家为您提供1976年由麦克尔·约克 理查德·乔丹 珍妮·艾加特 罗斯科·李·布朗尼 费拉·福赛特 小迈克尔·安德森 彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫 Randolph Roberts Lara Lindsay Gary Morgan 劳拉·海佩 主演,迈克尔·安德森 导演的《逃离地下天堂》/原名《Logan's Run》/又名《我不能死 / 廿三世纪大逃亡 / 罗甘的逃亡 / 拦截时空禁区 / 罗根快跑》电影在线观看,《逃离地下天堂》百度云网盘资源以及《逃离地下天堂》高清mp4迅雷下载,《逃离地下天堂》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:It's 2274 and on the surface, it all seems to be an idyllic society. Living in a city within an enclosed dome, there is little or no work for humans to perform and inhabitants are free to pursue all of the pleasures of life. There is one catch however: your life is limited and when you reach 30, it is terminated in a quasi-religious ceremony known as Carousel. Some, known as runners, do try to escape their fate when the time comes and it's the job of Sandmen to track them down and kill them. Logan is such a man and with several years before his own termination date, thinks nothing of the job he does. Soon after meeting a young woman, Jessica-6, he is ordered to become a runner himself and infiltrate a community outside the dome known as Sanctuary and to destroy it. Pursued by his friend Francis, also a Sandman, Logan and Jessica find their way to the outside. There they discover a beautiful, virtually uninhabited world. Logan realizes that he must return to the dome to tell them what he's found and be set free.





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