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太太萬歲又名:Long Live the Mistress! / Long Live the Wife

分类:喜剧 家庭  地区:中国大陆  年份:1947 1947-12-01汉语普通话

主演:蒋天流 / 张伐 / 石挥 / 路珊 / 上官云珠 / 韩非 / 汪漪 / 

导演:桑弧 / 

张爱玲 Eileen Chang


导演:桑弧 / 

主演:蒋天流 张伐 石挥 路珊 上官云珠 韩非 汪漪 

BT之家为您提供1947年由蒋天流 张伐 石挥 路珊 上官云珠 韩非 汪漪 主演,桑弧 导演的《太太万岁》/原名《太太萬歲》/又名《Long Live the Mistress! / Long Live the Wife》电影在线观看,《太太万岁》百度云网盘资源以及《太太万岁》高清mp4迅雷下载,《太太万岁》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Long Live the Wife, a lively and well-acted comedy, is celebrated fiction writer Eileen Chang's second script. Following immediately from Love without End (1947), it proved to be another financially successful collaboration with director Sang Hu for Wenhua Film Studio. The film is centred on the figure of Chen Sizhen (Jiang Tianliu) whose marriage to Tang Zhiyuan (Zhang Fa), an ambitious bank clerk and a typical Shanghai xiao shi min (petty urbanite), is dull. Their relationship is unromantic and she fails to bear him a son. Nonetheless she tries to be a good housewife. Their universe spins into turmoil when Tang starts an affair with a glamorous woman, Zhu Mimi (Shangguan Yunzhu), who cares for nothing but his money. A crisis ensues. Long Live the Wife reveals the impending collapse of patriarchal authority and women's attempts at extricating themselves from this social predicament. Chang's screenplay also radically underlines the ambiguity of moral choices.






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