猪一样的女子돼지 같은 여자(2015)

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돼지 같은 여자又名:猪一样的女人 / 像猪一样的女人 / My Sister, The Pig Lady

分类:喜剧 爱情  地区:韩国  年份:2015 2015-09-10(韩国)韩语

主演:黄正音 / 崔汝珍 / 李钟赫 / 朴真珠 / 

导演:张文逸 / 



导演:张文逸 / 

主演:黄正音 崔汝珍 李钟赫 朴真珠 

BT之家为您提供2015年由黄正音 崔汝珍 李钟赫 朴真珠 主演,张文逸 导演的《猪一样的女子》/原名《돼지 같은 여자》/又名《猪一样的女人 / 像猪一样的女人 / My Sister, The Pig Lady》电影在线观看,《猪一样的女子》百度云网盘资源以及《猪一样的女子》高清mp4迅雷下载,《猪一样的女子》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

讲述了3个女人因村子里唯一的男人俊燮(李钟赫 饰)而上演的一番争夺战的故事。黄静茵在片中饰演女主角在和,是个为了好吃懒做的父母和年幼弟妹而活的养猪人。

Plot Summary:In a seaside village, where all the young men have left for the city, three young women, Jae-hwa, Yoo-ja, and Mi-ja, hope to catch the eye of Joon-seob, the only eligible bachelor left in town. Jae-hwa has plans to make her family prosperous by raising pigs, but it's more difficult than she imagines: the pigs keep wandering away. A rumour spreads that her mother is having an affair, though it doesn't bother her father, who is always drunk, or her younger brother, who keeps getting into fights. Joon-seob, who has stood by Jae-hwa despite her family's stream of misfortunes finally deepens the relationship, and they begin dating. But Yoo-ja and Mi-ja won't give up. They begin to scheme...




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