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PRICELESS〜あるわけねぇだろ、んなもん!〜又名:人生无价(台) / 有无价的东西才怪

分类:喜剧  地区:日本  年份:2012 日语

主演:木村拓哉 / 中井贵一 / 香里奈 / 藤谷太辅 / 莲佛美沙子 / 升毅 / 前田旺志郎 / 田中奏生 / 中村敦夫 / イッセー尾形 / 夏木真理 / 藤木直人 / 小嶋阳菜 / 

导演:铃木雅之 / 平野真 / 

古家和尚 Kazunao Furuya


导演:铃木雅之 / 平野真 / 

主演:木村拓哉 中井贵一 香里奈 藤谷太辅 莲佛美沙子 升毅 前田旺志郎 田中奏生 中村敦夫 イッセー尾形 夏木真理 藤木直人 小嶋阳菜 

BT之家为您提供2012年由木村拓哉 中井贵一 香里奈 藤谷太辅 莲佛美沙子 升毅 前田旺志郎 田中奏生 中村敦夫 イッセー尾形 夏木真理 藤木直人 小嶋阳菜 主演,铃木雅之 平野真 导演的《PRICELESS:有才怪,这样的东西!》/原名《PRICELESS〜あるわけねぇだろ、んなもん!〜》/又名《人生无价(台) / 有无价的东西才怪》影视在线观看,《PRICELESS:有才怪,这样的东西!》百度云网盘资源以及《PRICELESS:有才怪,这样的东西!》高清mp4迅雷下载,《PRICELESS:有才怪,这样的东西!》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

奇迹魔法瓶公司的创始人大屋敷严(中村敦夫 饰)在临终前对儿子大屋敷统一郎(藤木直人 饰)说:把公司交给金田一二三男(木村拓哉 饰),你不适合做社长。对此不服气的

Plot Summary:Originally a mid-level manager with a promising future in a big corporation, the life of this elite employee changes dramatically one day. Having attracted the attention of his superiors for some reason, he is framed for a crime which he knows nothing of and forced out of the workplace. Even after that, he is assailed by a series of surprises and in one day, he loses his house, wealth and handphone until he is without a cent to his name. At his wits end, he comes to a park where he encounters two children. Learning from them how to survive even if he does not have money, he somehow weathers this crisis and discovers the truly important and priceless things in life.





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