警察,形容词Polițist, adjectiv(2009)

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Polițist, adjectiv又名:字典与警枪 / 媒介 / Police, Adjective

分类:剧情 犯罪  地区:罗马尼亚  年份:2009 2009-05-15罗马尼亚语

主演:德拉戈什·布库尔 / 弗拉德·伊凡诺夫 / 

导演:柯内流·波蓝波宇 / 

柯内流·波蓝波宇 Corneliu Porumboiu


导演:柯内流·波蓝波宇 / 

主演:德拉戈什·布库尔 弗拉德·伊凡诺夫 

BT之家为您提供2009年由德拉戈什·布库尔 弗拉德·伊凡诺夫 主演,柯内流·波蓝波宇 导演的《警察,形容词》/原名《Polițist, adjectiv》/又名《字典与警枪 / 媒介 / Police, Adjective》电影在线观看,《警察,形容词》百度云网盘资源以及《警察,形容词》高清mp4迅雷下载,《警察,形容词》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In grim, dull Vaslui, Cristi is a young police officer, conscientious, laconic, recently married to Anca, a teacher. He's tailing a kid who smokes pot and may be supplying his friends. Cristi dislikes the assignment: the kid's clearly not a dealer, an arrest would ruin his life, and, Cristi assumes that Romania will soon tolerate marijuana. His superior tells him flatly that the law is the law and to finish the case with a quick arrest. Cristi wants to follow the informant, a youth whose father is a builder. Cristi watches, he smokes, he writes reports, he wants to meet with the prosecutor. Can a cop have a conscience? Is the noun being modified "procedural" or "state"?




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