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绝代双骄又名:The Legendary Siblings

分类:剧情 武侠 古装  地区:中国台湾   年份:1999 汉语普通话

主演:苏有朋 / 林志颖 / 陈德容 / 李绮虹 / 郑嘉颖 / 林瑞阳 / 于莉 / 李立群 / 张瑞竹 / 

导演:李国立 / 

秋婷 Ting Chau


导演:李国立 / 

主演:苏有朋 林志颖 陈德容 李绮虹 郑嘉颖 林瑞阳 于莉 李立群 张瑞竹 

BT之家为您提供1999年由苏有朋 林志颖 陈德容 李绮虹 郑嘉颖 林瑞阳 于莉 李立群 张瑞竹 主演,李国立 导演的《绝代双骄》/又名《The Legendary Siblings》影视在线观看,《绝代双骄》百度云网盘资源以及《绝代双骄》高清mp4迅雷下载,《绝代双骄》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

众人皆知移花宫宫主邀月(于莉 饰)美若天仙但心狠手辣,但宫女月奴(萧蔷 饰)却偏偏要挑战她的底线。她本以为和江枫(陈俊生 饰)私奔最惨不过是一死,但没想到,她那

Plot Summary:Xiao Yu Er and Hua Wuque, twin sons of adventurer Jiang Feng and the slave girl Hua Yuenu, are separated at birth when their parents are killed. Xiao Yu'er, initially in the care of Jiang Feng's sworn brother Yan Nantian, was lost to the notorious Ten Villains, who raised the child and made him their disciple. Hua Wuque was raised in the secret Yi Hua Palace by his parents' enemy Yao Yue, who taught him martial arts with the evil intentions to make the twins kill each other. However, after surviving several adventures together, the two expert martial artists developed a friendship despite being unaware of their relationship and becoming entangled in several love triangles with women they met. The story's climax ensues as Yao Yue forces Hua Wuque to challenge Xiao Yu Er to a fight to the death.





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