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そこのみにて光輝く又名:阳光在那边灿烂(港) / 阳光只在这里灿烂(台) / 阳光只在那里灿烂 / The Light Shines Only There

分类:剧情  地区:日本  年份:2014 2014-04-19(日本)日语

主演:绫野刚 / 池胁千鹤 / 菅田将晖 / 高桥和也 / 火野正平 / 

导演:吴美保 / 

高田亮 Ryô Takada/佐藤泰志 Yasushi Satô


导演:吴美保 / 

主演:绫野刚 池胁千鹤 菅田将晖 高桥和也 火野正平 

BT之家为您提供2014年由绫野刚 池胁千鹤 菅田将晖 高桥和也 火野正平 主演,吴美保 导演的《只在那里发光》/原名《そこのみにて光輝く》/又名《阳光在那边灿烂(港) / 阳光只在这里灿烂(台) / 阳光只在那里灿烂 / The Light Shines Only There》电影在线观看,《只在那里发光》百度云网盘资源以及《只在那里发光》高清mp4迅雷下载,《只在那里发光》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

故事发生在一座远离大都会的小城市,无所事事的青年佐藤达夫(绫野刚 饰)曾经在某矿山工作,但在目睹一次事故后让他选择逃离。日常里他周游在城市各个角落,直到某天在小

Plot Summary:In a Japanese port town, Tatsuo, a traumatized man, spends his days drifting aimlessly and his nights drinking himself to oblivion. Whiling his hours away at a pachinko parlor, he meets Takuji, a young man on parole who impulsively invites him to a shabby house on the outskirts of town. There, Tatsuo glimpses Takuji's bedridden father and callous mother, and meets his world-weary older sister Chinatsu. While immediately drawn to each other, romance is an unaffordable luxury for the emotionally closed-off Tatsuo and the disillusioned Chinatsu, who sells herself to provide for her family and keep her brother out of jail. As Tatsuo and Chinatsu take tentative steps towards a relationship, the happy-go-lucky Takuji latches onto Tatsuo, binding their fates. Each step they take to build a better life sets off a chain of actions that have devastating consequences.



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