新呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights(1970)

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Wuthering Heights又名:新魂归离恨天 / 呼啸山庄

分类:剧情 爱情 冒险  地区:英国  年份:1970 1970-06-09(英国)英语

主演:提摩西·道尔顿 / 安娜·考尔德-马歇尔 / 哈里·安德鲁斯 / 

导演:罗伯特·富斯特 / 

艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Brontë/Patrick Tilley


导演:罗伯特·富斯特 / 

主演:提摩西·道尔顿 安娜·考尔德-马歇尔 哈里·安德鲁斯 

BT之家为您提供1970年由提摩西·道尔顿 安娜·考尔德-马歇尔 哈里·安德鲁斯 主演,罗伯特·富斯特 导演的《新呼啸山庄》/原名《Wuthering Heights》/又名《新魂归离恨天 / 呼啸山庄》电影在线观看,《新呼啸山庄》百度云网盘资源以及《新呼啸山庄》高清mp4迅雷下载,《新呼啸山庄》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

希斯克利夫(提摩西·道尔顿 Timothy Dalton 饰)和美丽的凯瑟琳(安娜·考尔德-马歇尔 Anna Calder-Marshall 饰)彼此相爱,但最

Plot Summary:The Earnshaws are Yorkshire farmers during the early 19th Century. One day, Mr. Earnshaw returns from a trip to the city, bringing with him a ragged little boy called Heathcliff. Earnshaw's son, Hindley, resents the child, but Heathcliff becomes companion and soulmate to Hindley's sister, Catherine. After her parents die, Cathy and Heathcliff grow up wild and free on the Moors and despite the continued enmity between Hindley and Heathcliff they're happy-- until Cathy meets Edgar Linton, the son of a wealthy neighbor.




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