
6.0 还行

無敵看板娘又名:むてき かんばん むすめ / Muteki Kanban Musume

分类:剧情 动画  地区:日本  年份:2006 日语

主演:生天目仁美 / 小清水亚美 / 中村悠一 / 桧山修之 / 定冈小百合 / 峰香织 / 纳谷六朗 / 中岛沙树 / 甲斐田裕子 / 

导演:富泽信雄 / 博史池畠 / 真野玲 / 

待田堂子 Touko Machida/佐渡川准


导演:富泽信雄 / 博史池畠 / 真野玲 / 

主演:生天目仁美 小清水亚美 中村悠一 桧山修之 定冈小百合 峰香织 纳谷六朗 中岛沙树 甲斐田裕子 

BT之家为您提供2006年由生天目仁美 小清水亚美 中村悠一 桧山修之 定冈小百合 峰香织 纳谷六朗 中岛沙树 甲斐田裕子 主演,富泽信雄 博史池畠 真野玲 导演的《无敌看板娘》/原名《無敵看板娘》/又名《むてき かんばん むすめ / Muteki Kanban Musume》影视在线观看,《无敌看板娘》百度云网盘资源以及《无敌看板娘》高清mp4迅雷下载,《无敌看板娘》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

故事发生在中华料理屋鬼丸饭店,作为老板娘鬼丸真纪子(定冈小百合 配音)的女儿,鬼丸美辉(生天目仁美 配音)并不热衷于打理家族的事业。可是,在青梅竹马神无月惠美(

Plot Summary:In a world where terror grips the land and innocents have no solace from violence and brutality, one girl walks the line between life and death to bring her own special brand of - Ramen. Miki Onimaru works at her parent's Ramen shop, making deliveries, waiting tables, and attracting customers with cute, girlish charm. Somehow, Miki can't complete even one of these simple tasks without the full employment of her extensive bone-crunching, skull-splitting martial arts moves and penchant for unleashing relentless destruction. Can Miki get through the day without messing up and angering her Mom, who makes her look like a gentle kitten in comparison?




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