R1514, the waiting(2019)

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R1514, the waiting

分类:短片  地区:西班牙   年份:2019 2019-06-19(西班牙)英语 , 西班牙语 , 法语 , 加泰罗尼亚语


导演:Salvador Alemany / 


导演:Salvador Alemany / 


BT之家为您提供2019年由未知 主演,Salvador Alemany 导演的《R1514, the waiting》电影在线观看,《R1514, the waiting》百度云网盘资源以及《R1514, the waiting》高清mp4迅雷下载,《R1514, the waiting》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A 15 minute short filmed in the refugee camps. The Sahrawi refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria, are one of the toughest places in the world, the Hamada, the devil's garden. We wish to give an overview of how they live. Thanks to their determination, Sahrawi have made a home under extreme conditions, a desert with frequent sandstorms and summer temperatures over 50 °C with no water but rare heavy flash rainfalls that flood the camps. With the camp's 43rd anniversary, we want to highlight a situation that began with the decolonization process. R1514, the waiting, show us their hard work in order to live with dignity and the importance of education and the position of woman, both key facts in Sahrawi's surviving in such a hard environment. The solution to the end of the camps should be peaceful and all nations can work toward it.


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