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百万爱情宝贝又名:The Cosplayers

分类:喜剧 爱情  地区:中国大陆  年份:2013 2013-06-09(中国大陆)汉语普通话

主演:马天宇 / 林源 / 郭家铭 / 刘圆媛 / 王璐娓 / 丁子峻 / 冯瓅 / 刘晔 / 

导演:磐石 / 

刘宁波 Ningbo Liu/王羽瀚 Yuhan Wang/磐石 Panshi


导演:磐石 / 

主演:马天宇 林源 郭家铭 刘圆媛 王璐娓 丁子峻 冯瓅 刘晔 

BT之家为您提供2013年由马天宇 林源 郭家铭 刘圆媛 王璐娓 丁子峻 冯瓅 刘晔 主演,磐石 导演的《百万爱情宝贝》/又名《The Cosplayers》电影在线观看,《百万爱情宝贝》百度云网盘资源以及《百万爱情宝贝》高清mp4迅雷下载,《百万爱情宝贝》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

大学刚毕业的叶葱(马天宇 饰)是一个沉迷网络游戏的技术宅男,因为开发游戏而拖欠了巨额高利贷,与此同时,他在游戏里相亲相爱的恋人陶小奇(林园 饰)也因资助男友林宇

Plot Summary:A video game obsessive competes for the love of his life. Cong Ye who just graduated from university, is a technical nerd who is addicted to online games. He owes a huge loan shark because of developing games. At the same time, his lover Tao Xiaoqiwho fell in love with each other in the game also supported his boyfriend. Lin Yuhan went to study abroad and was in deep financial crisis. By mistake, a reality show called \"Millions of Love Babies\" gave Ye Cong and Tao Xiaoqi, two online game masters who are also in trouble, see hope. But unfortunately, their respective predecessors Yao Zixuan and Lin Yuhan also appeared in the game as a couple.




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