气壮山河The Pride and the Passion(1957)

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The Pride and the Passion

分类:剧情 动作 爱情 战争 冒险  地区:美国  年份:1957 1957-07-10英语 , 西班牙语

主演:加里·格兰特 / 弗兰克·辛纳特拉 / 索菲娅·罗兰 / 西奥多·比凯尔 / 约翰·文格拉夫 / 

导演:斯坦利·克雷默 / 

Edna Anhalt


导演:斯坦利·克雷默 / 

主演:加里·格兰特 弗兰克·辛纳特拉 索菲娅·罗兰 西奥多·比凯尔 约翰·文格拉夫 

BT之家为您提供1957年由加里·格兰特 弗兰克·辛纳特拉 索菲娅·罗兰 西奥多·比凯尔 约翰·文格拉夫 主演,斯坦利·克雷默 导演的《气壮山河》/原名《The Pride and the Passion》电影在线观看,《气壮山河》百度云网盘资源以及《气壮山河》高清mp4迅雷下载,《气壮山河》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

1810年,拿破仑挥军进攻西班牙,城镇陆被占领,西班牙束手无策,连连战败,于撤退时,将一门巨炮偷偷丢下山谷,而此巨炮正是英、法两国急欲获得的东西。   英国派海

Plot Summary:The story in this movie deals with the perseverance of Spaniards to take back their country from the French who have conquered Spain under Napoleon as he marched over Europe. A huge cannon, perhaps the largest in the world at that time, is discarded by the army as they retreat from the French invaders. A "ragtag" group of Spanish loyalists find "The Gun" and begin to restore it so they may tow it across Spain to the French stronghold in Avila and use it to open the giant walls for an invasion. Luckily Britain has sent someone to retrieve the cannon for England so they can have it to fight the French also AND to make sure that the French don't get the gun! A shoemaker and his voluptuous girl friend are the leaders of the peasants trying to get the gun to Avila. The Brit can't get help to get the giant gun back to his ship without the peasants and the shoemaker won't help him unless they all go blast Avila open first. The Brit has the knowledge needed to fire the weapon and the shoemaker leads the manpower which can move the huge cannon so a deal is struck to go to Avila and then help will be provided to get the gun to the English ship. The story follows the hardships and struggles of moving such a giant weapon across Spain and how it has to be hidden from the French.


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