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姊的時代又名:姐的时代 / Iron ladies

分类:剧情 爱情  地区:中国台湾  年份:2018 汉语普通话

主演:钟瑶 / 吴思贤 / 潘慧如 / 朱芷莹 / 蓝钧天 / 李运庆 / 吴定谦 / 

导演:张佳贤 / 

陈洁莹/蓝文希/张清慧 Erica Chang/咖啡因 Garphie Liu/郭世伟 Shih-Wei Kuo


导演:张佳贤 / 

主演:钟瑶 吴思贤 潘慧如 朱芷莹 蓝钧天 李运庆 吴定谦 

BT之家为您提供2018年由钟瑶 吴思贤 潘慧如 朱芷莹 蓝钧天 李运庆 吴定谦 主演,张佳贤 导演的《轻熟女时代》/原名《姊的時代》/又名《姐的时代 / Iron ladies》影视在线观看,《轻熟女时代》百度云网盘资源以及《轻熟女时代》高清mp4迅雷下载,《轻熟女时代》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

周凯婷(钟瑶 饰)年纪轻轻就已经成为了购物网站的行销副总,她有一个交往八年的男友泽杉(蓝钧天 饰),虽然两人都将对方视为注定要携手步入婚姻殿堂的那一位,但他们同

Plot Summary:Chou Kai-Ting, Ma Li-Sha, and Wang Ching-Ching are women in their thirties, working as top managers in an e-commerce cosmetic website \"Love U Shop\". They have beautiful appearances, perfect occupations, and seemingly-perfect lives envied by other young women. But are their lives so perfect? Kai-ting is the youngest vice marketing manager in \"Love U Shop\". She believes that a clear goal shapes her splendid life, and her boyfriend Tse-Shan matches her personality. However, after 8 years of shared perfect lives, they seem to have lost the spark of love and Tse-Shan falls in love with his assistant. At a product launch, young barista Su Tsan accidentally saves the launch by disguising himself as a make-up artist with no make-up experience; he then becomes well-known by female customers. Kai-ting employs him as a brand representative and cultivates him to become a make-up idol. Kai-ting gradually falls in love with Su Tsan, but she is confused about their relationship. Will their May-December romance overcome challenges from their parents and friends?



姊的时代 iron ladies.全13集.2018.1080p.web-dl.h264.aac-无




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